Eggs 1.69
Granola, bulk 2.02
Bananas .90
Oatmeal, bulk .42
Yogurt, plain 32 oz. 2.69
Cheese 1.99
Pears 2.09
Cottage cheese 1.35
Tax .79
Total 13.94
I, also, made a second trip yesterday for some green tea.
Peach blossom green tea 3.69 (Celestial Seasonings)
Tax .22
Total 3.91
Total for the week 17.85
Staying awake was an issue and I can't over do it on coffee it makes me too jittery. I'm not a huge fan of green tea, I do know the caffeine is more tolerable on my stomach and it is very good for you. This peach blossom one is aromatic and flavorful.
Yes, this is a late posting!! My apologies - life happened a lot this week. I had a sick dog - My little Duke gave me a scare for a couple of days but he seems much better now. Cleaning up and taking care of him can be time consuming. Not to mention the fact that I was up two nights straight every hour with him.
I'm trying to clean out my freezer. Sunday I made lentils with some chicken I had frozen and carrots and wild rice, perfect lunches. Wednesday night I made a loaf of bread.
After making the oatmeal cookie crust for the pie I've been on this oatmeal cookie kick. I've actually made two other batches of an extra large cookie. You may remember I've been a fan of the oatmeal cookie from the bakery next door, I think it's actually called a birdseed cookie. Well, I've come very close to duplicating it!!! Whooo Hooo! I will post the recipe as soon! The thing I like about the bakery's cookies is sesame seeds - I love the flavor of sesame seeds. As soon as lightning strikes the sky and I have a real live recipe I will post it for you! :o) Come to think of it cookies make good gifts, too...hmmm.
I can't believe I'm at 45 weeks, only seven more weeks to go! To be honest with you, I would be on this budget even if I were not sharing it with all of you. It's been more than budgeting and eating well on $30 a week (or less, if you're me); it's been a study of how I eat, where I spend my food money, how I cook what I have because it all makes a difference. All in all it's been a fascinating study. Going into the holidays will be interesting -- there will be work and family get togethers all in good cheer (reducing my weekly spending a bit, remember I'm really living this).
Here's to a happy, healthy Home Cooked Holiday Season!!