Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 52!!!!!!!

Week 52

Grape Nuts (store brand) 3.39
Milk 1.99
Eggs 1.79
Half and half 1.99
Chocolate 2.59
Apples 1.99
Oranges 1.32
Lettuce 1.82
Tomatoes 1.65
Avocado 1.99
Corn tortillas 1.39
Cheese 1.99
Beef stew meat 3.47
Tax 1.64
Total 29.01


I have to say the year went by pretty quick. And I can pretty much shop for $30 worth of food with my eyes closed. I am craving Mexican food...and shoot just remembered I forgot oatmeal but then I got cereal so I'm ok. Pheewww. I literally went off on a pantry list tangent just now. I think: lentils, potatoes, onions, eggs, oatmeal, milk...therefore I am stocked. Stocked!!!

Priority Shift

So, in the past I have always done this: Pay bills and other expenses then figure in my food expense. What I did this year that was transforming for me was add in my food expense with my bills. It was not an extra cost to me when I looked at it from this point of view. I knew my limit because now it was ingrained on my soul. Or should I say I know my limit so good and well that I could shop in my sleep; walk through the market and fill my cart and check out under 30 bucks. BTW, I see people in their pj's in the market all the time but you won't see me.

I do have plenty of surplus in the dry goods department. Beans, lentils, rice, onions, a few sweet potatoes. And remember I had some stuff to start out with because last year when I started this program I didn't have a job -- so I had to be resourceful and use it up. A lot of things have changed since then and I have, fortunately, had a full time job since last February. Thank God.

I am working on getting this site more of a delectable place to visit. Things like big pictures and user friendly details. Oh, details, details, details....they will be coming soon. Think Coming Attractions from Inspired Home Cooking! And if we all meditate at once maybe they will come sooner.

Peace. Love. And Home Cooking.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 51

Week 51

Almonds 1.71
Trail Mix 3.82
Bananas 1.19
Cilantro .40
Tax .47
Total 7.59

I love trail mix. Often, a bag of trailmix, cottage cheese and a banana have been lunch for me. I have eaten like this for as long as I can remember...starting as far back as junior high school. This is what fast food should be.


I have some frozen chili, tortillas and sour cream and cilantro...delicious and flavorful burritos.

As of this week I am 6.73 under budget. I have included my Christmas baking ingredients as I have a lot of surplus. Oh, there were the $3 or $4 lost receipt from last week. And it seems like I have a lot in my cupboards. But, not much in the way of produce. I have potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and of course bananas. So that will be mainly what I shop for this week.

Planning is key to spending wisely and eating healthy. At least try and plan your breakfast and lunches and have in mind 2 or 3 different dinner meals. Keep this in mind as you shop. Separate the items into meals in your cart as you shop. And when you get home prep for the meals or cook them all on the same day so you have only a short time in the kitchen during the week. Do Plan!!


Week 50

Week 50

'It happens.' -Forest Gump


This whole year of keeping track I only lost one receipt and it was during the 50th week!

It's sort of funny but I am kind of proud of this. I know I had this receipt in my coat pocket because I felt it every time I put my hands in my pocket. Then when I went for it for my blog it was gone. It must've fallen out somewhere along the line. Maybe it will show up in my car or somewhere.

It was on 01-04-13 (could've been the day before as I got this off my bank statement). I know it was mostly cat food, about $7 worth. And I know I got bananas. The total was for 11.17. I may have got a yogurt. I know I went in for cat food and that was it and I've got to have my bananas I start getting anxiety when I am down to one so I got about 1.00 worth.

Silly, huh? But for this whole year, I did not do too bad in keeping track of my receipts. As I type this I am looking at a notebook complete with plastic pages with monthly calendars for the year, with my receipts neatly tucked into their respective pages. Nice. I am an organizational freak. It keeps me busy.

Week 50

Week 50

Raisin Bran 3.69
Tortillas, wheat 3.09
Leeks 1.98
Avocado,1  1.50
Eggs 1.89
Green tea 3.49
Sour cream .99
Yogurt 2.69
Cottage cheese 1.99
Half and half 1.99
Milk 2.09
Total 26.92

It is down to the wire: Week 52 is starting tomorrow! I am in the midst of catching up and working on the spreadsheet. All will be updated shortly!! I have to say that after a year of keeping track, it was an extremely good learning experience and one of those things, like taking ballet when you're young, it keeps up your posture; because once it is instilled in you it becomes second nature.

This year I have not only kept track of my food but other necessities such as pet food, household needs and gas. This will be another lifetime all together, but alas, I know what it takes to survive and looking back it looks easier to cut certain items I spent money on but did not really need. Ah wisdom from learning and knowing!

More to come!!