Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Little Rituals...Priceless

I've written about this before, but the soothing effect of a personal ritual is...priceless.
I'm working a temp job at the moment, then I had an interview afterwards. The interview was much more than I expected; I had to answer a lot of questions. Hopefully it went well. At the end of the day, I was drained. All I wanted was to come home and get myself together with a hot cup of tea and eat some dinner - homemade chili, mmmm.

My ritual, no matter what I have done, either work or errands or shopping, when I come home, I put the kettle on and make myself a big cup of tea. English tea with sugar and milk. I have a seat for a bit, read, catch up on news, or do nothing. I literally need this for about a half an hour, whenever I walk in the door. Afterwards, I am much more productive and get my things done. Having that break lets me breathe. If I just kept going, I'd be stressed to the max and wouldn't enjoy or appreciate my own life. I enjoy being busy and doing things, having a break during the day is a welcome and priceless breather. Some people I know have a beer or a glass of wine. I've heard of some that have a hot bath every night - total luxury. Whatever it is that we do, it is vital to our souls that we do it on a regular basis. Let me hear you say, ahhhh.

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