Monday, April 16, 2012

Trying To Be Creative On A Budget

I know I'm a creature of habit but this is ridiculous!

13 weeks into this project and I'm starting to feel a bit monotonous. Keeping with my budget, I tend to buy the things I know will fill me up. I have to admit, trying anything new is a risk on my budget. I just bought yellow split peas and to be completely honest, I'm not too crazy about them. However, I will eat the soup I made with them and probably freeze a couple of servings. And most likely, never buy them again. I've been thinking about quinoa, I had this grain many, many years ago and was not particularly fond of it. But it's been catching my eye in the bulk bin, so, I'm thinking about buying a cup of it and finding a doable recipe with ingredients I like and giving it a shot. Perhaps, next week.

The part of this that gets me is buying flavors and herbs and spices - these items are pricey and cut into my actual food budget, and this is a definite concern. I have quite a few spices and would recommend buying spice in the ethnic food aisle of the market or actually going to a local ethnic grocery store where more variety is available without the brand names.

Thinking about this more, I think I will take the spices I have and look up recipes using each one of them. Mainly looking for ideas - I can always adjust a recipe.

I have my Recipe Book that is filled with inspirations - in picture and recipes and my own ideas. I highly recommend starting one, if you haven't already. I have a section on this in my book - worth having a look! Staying within my budget while perusing my book for ideas will be my main focus. A few new ideas, a few new flavors...just what my tastebuds need! Keep 'ya posted!

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