Thursday, July 1, 2010

Easy Summer Pasta

Tonight I made a really easy Pasta with sauteed veggies and parmesan.

I made the pasta and sauteed zucchini, summer squash and garlic. Tossed both together with some butter and olive oil and parmesan cheese. A little cracked pepper and more parm over the top and it was the perfect summer meal. It's hot out now and I did not want to have the stove on for long, so this was the right thing to do today.

Any veggies work here, peppers, onions, some olives.When I was  a kid I never really liked tomato sauce on my pasta just the meat, cheese and butter. I have grown to like tomato sauce but have found many other ways to make pasta without it, also. I feel comforted and satisfied after pasta....FULL. I ate like a pig...

1 comment:

  1. Mmm!
    This sounds yummy.
    Will certainly have to try one of these days when my pantry is full again:)
