Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thankful for Integrity

My grandmother had a way of being thankful to someone that I didn't truly appreciate until I got much older. She would instinctively know how much time a person - an artist, chef, or any creative person - put into something and for that she would always show them appreciation with a very direct thank-you, looking them in the eye and asking them questions about it. Looking back, I could relate, I knew what she was getting at and why she was thankful. Her thought was 'that person cared enough to take the time, which means they care about what they're doing. They were not just flinging something around willy-nilly to get it over with.' It was their creation and giving time and attention is showing you care about it - know that. I am glad that I got this, because I feel like I know when someone really cares about what they are doing, including me.

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