Friday, October 8, 2010

In Praise of Jamie Oliver

I have a copy of Jamie's Food Revolution and I have to say that he's got it down. He has taken people and food and made it real by connecting the dots. People who have cooked only prepared food or never cooked and taken their hand through each of his recipes to teach them that cooking good homemade food from scratch is not difficult, in fact made these people see that cooking is one of the most rewarding simple things in life.

This cookbook is so matter-of-fact you can practically hear him speak. Just like one of the 'real' people he's taught to cook in his book said of him, he's the "cook whisperer".

Jamie's teaching people to fall back in love with cooking home cooked meals. Not the foodies but normal working people that he feels should learn to cook from scratch. It's an amazing book and an even more amazing 'ideal' way of life: Cooking good homemade food on any budget. The way it makes you feel to cook for yourself and family and friends is not just about how the food tastes but the responsibility and awareness it creates within yourself - like a new sense of pride. He changes up classics because as we all know - no recipe is written in stone, the meats can be changed and when you know flavors you can learn to do these things yourself.

Everyone must eat and everyone must cook. Simple. It's not a pipe dream people, it's reality. A kitchen is not a museum it's a working room in our home...use it.

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