Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 43

Week 43


Almonds 2.97

Wheat Bran 1.69

Yogurt .89

Half and half 1.49

Quinoa, bulk 2.99

Eggs, dozen 1.89

Ground turkey 2.75

Bananas .85

Tax 1.00

Total 16.52

As you may have read I did some end of the week shopping last week - so I'm good. I picked up a few things on Monday. Just the usual. Except I got quinoa. This is a grain I did not particularly care for many years ago so I abandoned even the thought of it in my pantry. Since it is so nutritious and there are recipes abound with this high protein grain, I decided to give it a try. I'm a sucker for high protein grains. I’m sure I can find something out there to inspire me that will make it taste good. You know I love my grains!

One thing in particular with being on this budget is I have had a total self-analysis of my own eating habits. I’ve always had a sweet tooth – my whole life I have had a sweet tooth! In contrast, my daily food habits seem to be pretty healthy. My sugar consumption is mainly in coffee and tea and a weekly baked good I make myself. The baked goods I make are made with whole grains and not a whole lot of sugar. What worries me is the amount of sugar I use in coffee and tea. HOLY COW! So, as of this morning I had my coffee – half a pot – without sugar. Tea tonight is the same. I’ve been reading about ‘drinking’ your daily calories with coffee drinks, and quite honestly I would rather eat real food than drink my calories. I won’t do the artificial sweetener thing so for now it’s just coffee. We’ll see how long I can do this. I was thinking that since the holidays are here for the 7 weeks, until January 1, 2013, I’ll keep sugar out of my coffee and tea. If I go through about 8 ounces a week, for 7 weeks that’s 56 ounces or 3.5 pounds of sugar!!! This might even be a low estimate, eeek. I’m sure between work and family get-together’s I’ll have a good share of sugary treats so this looks like a fair trade and prelude to the new year.

Hmmm. I just clicked over to my email and see that my culinary school is offering an alumni baking class – sugar free and gluten free baking! Perfect timing, except I’m about 1,000 miles away! I know a lot about sugar substitutes in baking. One of my favorites is apple juice concentrate – it works great in banana bread, pancakes and for sweetening fruit crisps. I know. I KNOW you need recipes. You won’t be disappointed J


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