Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 5

Week 5

Bananas .83
Tomatoes, canned .79
Milk 1.99
Stew meat 3.86
Raisins bulk .81
Cheese 2.99
Potatoes 1.77
Carrots loose .91
Oranges 1.45
Onions .55
Tea 100 bags 3.99
Subtotal 15.95
Tax .96
Total 16.91

Being on this budget I kind of like making a 2nd stop during the week. I make sure I use up or almost use up what I have, especially with things like milk and fruit and vegetables. If the meat situation is getting low, I can pick up something to get me through the rest of the week.

I got stew meat again, as its easy to throw in the crockpot with something else and its a great chili, stew or soup. This week I think I want to make a stew and pour it over some orzo that I got a couple of months ago, still have some left. I have some rice but I think I'm in the mood for orzo.

I love oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon an easy breakfast that's hearty and filling. Lunch has been PB&J lately with fruit, which I love but am getting tired of them, so I have a can of tuna and I can switch to tuna salad for lunch.

I have spices that I've been using, but you'll notice that I've been keeping it pretty simple. Just simple and healthy, which is how I eat most of the time anyway.

I'm a big tea drinker and have switched in the mornings to tea with milk and sugar. One cup and sometimes two. I've been pretty satisfied as far as food goes. It's all sincere and simple food which is filling and healthy. Can't go wrong there!

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