Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feels Like Spring!

Finally a beautiful warm day!! Some clouds out there but the air feels warm and I didn't need a coat this afternoon! March 20, marked the first day of Spring this year and here in the mountains it feels just on time. Not too warm and not too cold - hopefully this will last! But, as I have found out, weather in the mountains can be freakishly unpredictable.
This spring I am planning a garden. A small doable garden, I have a small space and am planning a 6' x 12' sort of raised bed garden. I want to contain the bed with either rocks or recycled bricks. There is quite a bit of space, but I don't want to go crazy I just want a kitchen garden that I can manage myself that produces vegetables. I am not a 'green thumb' as far as house plants go, so I think if I really put out the effort and plan well I just might be able to be rewarded.
Since it's still freezing at night and will be for some time, I'll have to start my seeds indoors. So I've collected egg crates for my seedlings. While my son is here for the week he can help me get the rocks or bricks whichever is least expensive. It may be some hard labor to begin with, but after the majority of the work is done I hope to grow a nice little plot of vegetables.
The only seeds I have so far are some from a spaghetti squash I collected from a couple of months ago. I plan on posting all of  my expenses for this garden and using as much recycled goods as possible. My favorite site is - go and visit this site, Holly Hirshberg is inspiring to anyone wanting to grow a garden - I lover her philosophy on home gardening.
Locally, has a community garden here in Hailey, Idaho - The Hope Garden. With these wonderful resources available, and my own determination my own garden may surprise me!
I will be writing a lot more about my involvement with The Hunger Coalition, also, so stay tuned - I am very excited to be a part of this organization-
If you have the capability, you don't need a big plot of land to grow a garden, start planning now. Just like in shopping and meals, Think Ahead. You're going to be hungry so be prepared. Growing a garden is the same kind of thing. It may not be for everyone of us, but it never hurts to try to grow a tomato plant in a pot or some herbs or peppers. It's spring and spring is the time of new beginnings!

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