Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 6

Week 6

Milk 1.99
Vegetable oil 3.29
Diced tomatoes, canned .79
Butter 1lb. 3.99
Spaghetti 1lb 1.49
Sweet potaotes 2.87
Brussel sprouts .86
Eggplant 1.29
Lentils 3.53 (Wrong!!)
Sour Cream .99
Oat Bran (bulk) .77
English muffins 1.99
Ground Beef 3.66
Pork loin chops 2.23
Subtotal 29.74
Tax 1.78
Total 31.52
Credit 2.26 (on my lentils)
New Total 29.26

Lesson learned today: Always watch the cashier as they ring up your items!!!! This is the second mistake I've caught since I started this project, which means there must have been plenty in my lifetime. The lentils that I bought - on my receipt says Chia Seeds, which I did not buy. So now I have to remember to take my receipt back and the lentils, because I got them from the bulk section and get my credit.
I did go slightly over my $30 A Week budget, but as I have not been spending my total budget, it did not concern me. I needed oil, so I got the least expensive vegetable oil they had. And butter, which I haven't had for several weeks, will be used sparingly. I would rather have nothing than use margerine.

I did well in the produce department, I love eggplant and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes.
Everything looks great for lunch and dinner. For breakfast, I have two bran muffins left from last week and oatmeal and raisins, which I like to mix with oatbran for a smoother texture. I still have oranges and a couple of bananas, so I am pretty well set for the week.
My coffee supply is gone, so for now, since I don't want to deal with my coffee situation, I will switch to tea.
PLAN WELL!! If I don't plan well, I wear myself out wondering. If it's done I can go and do other things without thinking about my next meal.


  1. Yep, ya gotta watch the cashiers...mistakes are often made and not in our favor.

    God bless ya sweet Julie and have a magnificent weekend!!!

  2. Thank- You Nezzy! I got my credit! It literally pays to watch out for yourself!!
    Have a great week!!!
