Sunday, June 20, 2010

Farm Tour, Part One

Part One: Ballard Family Dairy
I went on a field trip yesterday - The Idaho's Bounty Spring Farm Tour. part One: We toured the Ballard Family Dairy, a small dairy farm in Gooding, Idaho. Their love of Jersey cows turned into an artisan cheese business - amazing cheeses all handmade on their farm. The cheese they create is natural, it tastes real and it has amazing flavor. The Idaho Golden Greek is wonderful and when grilled is warm, crusted and creamy -everyone loved this cheese. Also, the aged cheddar has a nice nutty flavor - very special, and the Truffle cheddar was amazing - a rich cheese by itself that could add a decadent topping to many recipes. They have a great selection available online and in stores in Idaho.

I was familiar with the term 'natural' before but was refreshed when I was there. Natural foods taste like what they are. Processed foods are taken apart and put back together so that the foods taste exactly the same all the time, winter, spring, summer and fall - all the percentages of ingredients are always the same. That is why whole foods are the best to eat, they are just exactly that - whole, not tampered with - left in their natural state to taste like what they are. Is this a no-brainer or what?

1 comment:

  1. I love Ballard Cheese.
    Gooding and Buhl are about 45 minutes from where I live.
    Cloverleaf Creamery is another great place.
    They supply the milk for Smith's Ice Cream shop in Buhl,which only has the best Ice Cream in the world.
    I aint joking......
